Monday 11 April 2011


Waking up in London on my birthday didnt start off so well...
The room was really stuffy meaning i had a really sore throat...not good! We had to get up quite early for the breakfast and to catch the train.
We ate our breakfast got ready and made our way back to Euston station a bit early so we could chill out and have a coffee and wait for our train tranquillement.

We went to a "pub" that was inthe station but was on the first floor meaning we could overlook everything that was going on, French Man bought me a nice coffee and we sat and chatted about everything and nothing. At that moment in time, I suddenly felt so loved and lucky. I think it was the whole feeling of the two days in London that just made me feel like we were a real team in a world of strangers which I loved. Just before we went to the trainwe stopped at WHSmiths and got ourselves some KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS!!! I had the lemon meringue and quentin had the chocolate dream. Recently we've started watching Dexter, whom i've fallen in love with, and we've both got very addicted to it, we're onto the 4th season now. But anyway, my point is that Dexter always buys a box of krispy creme doughnuts for when he goes to work so we've nicknamed then DEXTER DOUGHNUTS!

My Doughnut =D

When it was time we went to our train and found ourselves some nice seats, again we chatted and laughed....oh how we laughed!!! I can honestly say it will be a moment that i wont forget in a hurry, people must of thought we were two french mentalists laughing till we cried =)

Us on the train

When we got back to stone my best friend asked me if we'd like her to come and pick us up from the station, which i was very greatful for considering my feet were in so much pain thanks to the continuous walking we did the day before.

She came to the house and asked me to check that she hadnt forgotten her lipstick in my room, which i found odd, but when i walked in she'd laid out lots of balloons, a little present, card and a fancy dress outfit she'd made for me for my birthday outting the next day. It was amazing!!! I love nice suprises like that, especially when i have no idea about them!

After that French Man said that he'd cook me whatever i wanted for my brithday and all i fancied was a lovely steak and chips along with the amazing blue cheese sauce he does. (its amazing). So we went to the shops to get all the things we needed and then came back and chilled out.
My brother was with us so the three of us ate all together whilst listening to music and drinking some nice red wine...

After a few drinks we ended up searching songs that we loved on YouTube and laughing and singing along. It was a lovely end to a great birthday.

Drinking the apero...Brandy and Coke...Yum!

My Little Brother

No one would take my picture so I took one of myself...VERY COOL

My parents, who were on holiday in France came home that night and gave me my present and we all had a catch up, mind you, i'd had quite a lot to drink so it was me blabbering on and on  =p

Just remember...
Birthdays aren't about the presents and the material things...Its about being with the people you love, enjoying yourself and feeling like the most special person in the world even if it is just for that one day!


  1. Happy Birthday Steph! sooo happy that you had such a good day! You are a very special girl and so people should take very special care not only on ur birthday but everyday! xxxxxxxxxxxx
