Wednesday 6 July 2011


I have just found this site with lots of different lists and anyone who is feeling down should definitely have a look at it. This is a link to just one of their lists but there are plenty! Have a quick read and you'll soon see that you want to keep reading because it makes up feel slightly better about the world we live in.

New Hair and Nails

So yes, yesterday I was at work in my own little world when I needed a change, NOT a huge change, just a little something to boost the morale and all. So, after I finished work I took a leisurely stroll to Boots and had a browse when I came across a red, unfortunately it is not as bright as I would have liked but I had to go for a subtle colour as I work we get a slap across the fingers and get told we have to dye it back to a more natural colour?! Anywho, this is the result, I chose this picture as this is the one that captures the colour of the hair the best, I know my face is slightly (ok, extremely) over exposed but hey, nobody wants to see the face! It's all about the hair...

Whilst I was in Boots I may have wondered into the make up section, but as I had recently been treated to quite a lot I decided to just buy some nail varnish. But HOLD THE LINE, not just ANY nail varnish. This is Barry M nail varnish with the cracking effect! Its freaking awesome! Check it out.

The purple underneath is also a Barry M nail varnish, they are great for bright colours which are what the nails are being treated to this summer. I will be investing in some more colours now that I have finally got out of the disgusting habit of biting my nails!

Whilst on the subject of beauty products, one brand I have fallen in love with is SOAP & GLORY, it smells so fresh, clean and girly and has a very 50's look to it, they have so many different things to try.

This is the Body Butter which I use at every possible opportunity, it makes your skin feel ULTRA soft and again, smells SCRUMPTIOUS!

SOAP & GLORY is a little on the pricey side but as you can see you get what you pay for, the bottles are huge and they have so many different things to try. I have already tried the shower gel, and the Extreme Plump lip gloss which has collagen in it so when you put it on, BAM! you get shiny lips that just look a little more juicy! However, this is not for the faint hearted as it does make your lips tingle A LOT, it feels like you have pins and needles in your lips but after a while you actually get used to it and even enjoy it?!

One more thing, today I felt like making a bit of an effort with my eye make up so I went to the trusty tutorial on Youtube that I found a few years ago, I absolutely love it because it's not over the top and suits brown eyed girls ;)
I do want to clarify that when I found this tutorial I was not looking for a tutorial on how to do make up like J Lo!

So any of you brown eyed girls, give it a try! It's so easy to do and makes you feel great about what you can do with a few different shades of brown eye shadow =p

“The best thing is to look natural, but it takes makeup to look natural.” -Calvin Klein

Weekend BBQ's and Go Karting!!

We had a few BBQ's whilst the weather was absolutely gorgeous! The first was on the Sunday evening which was lovely as we got to spend time outside and have a nice glass of wine whilst soaking up the evening sunshine...

My brother does look miserable but this was only for the picture =p

Of course, I can finally start to enjoy these kind of things again,

As exams have finished and no more of this!!

It also means I can now go out and have a bit of fun so when my brother mentioned him, his girlfriend, my cousin and her partner were going karting, I couldn't help but join them, here are a few pictures of us in our extremely fashionable boiler suits...I reckon it could catch on?

Sorry about the blurry pictures, I only had my phone camera on me and I don't always manage to keep the camera still for long enough...

It was brilliant fun! For the first few laps everyone was a little nervous but we all soon got the hang of it, it was a right laugh! And here are the results....

Silver - SAM
Bronze - BILLY
4th - ME!!!!
6th - AMY

We were obviously hoping to be first but it was quite clear who came first considering Quentin's fastest lap was 25 seconds when the average lap time was 33 seconds. My fastest lap was 28 seconds so I was quite pleased with myself! And I was the fastest girl!! Yay!!!!

After we'd finished our very tiresome race (it was very thirsty work) it was only natural that Quentin, myself, my brother and his girlfriend all went for a celebratory drink! ;)

Of course, I got the camera out and snapped up a few pictures...however, after a few pints my brother decided to take the camera and go crazy with a 10 minute journey in the car he managed to take 23 pictures!! But it was certainly a nice break from being the photgrapher...

Here are some of my favourites =) It's nice to see the world through someone else's eyes...

I hope your car journey's are just as much fun as ours!! =D