Thursday, 2 June 2011

Adam Ant

For a while we had an on going theme of Adam Ant being mentioned in my English Literature/Language class due to a piece of work that we did. So on the last day we all decided to dress up and so a friend and I decided to dress up as the 80's pop highwayman at the last minute and here is the result...

And here is a the video =)

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog, I liked the film reviews and I will even be watching one of them (I will let you guess which one). Now as for this Adam and the Ants business, I think somebody or ies has missed the point somewhere (will discuss later. Blog is easy to read and nicely done, not fussy or pretencious. I enjoyed every last syllable. Good luck in the exams and all your future adventures.

    Love and Hugs
    BlackFloyd PinkBird
