Wednesday 4 May 2011


Well...tonight has been pretty uneventful but brilliant at the same time...

Missing my family in France a lot this evening, done a few things that have reminded me of them.

1. I cooked for my family...which  I only ever did for them (even though it wasnt very often...used to make a beautiful quiche....and the best fried onions for hot dogs!!!)

2. It was sauteed potatoes...My DAD is the BEST at cooking them =D normally with a lovely magree de canard.

3. Had a sneaky look at my beautiful step mums blog and saw all the great things they were doing.


I found an MP3 CD that my dad made for me with all of Pink Floyds albums, so thats now blaring out of my surround sound!!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Night Out =)

After having a pretty crappy day at work a really fancied getting dressed up, having a few drinks and having a bit of a dance...and who other to turn to but...


So after a 5 minute call of persuasion she came over, had the CD "guilty pleasures" blaring out of the speakers, a few glasses of apple vodka and lemonade and lots of make up, straightening and gossiping we were ready to hit the town =)

Unfortuantely, i didnt take any other pictures but trust me it was a fun night out!!

The University Of Buckingham

On the 20th April it was the open day at Buckingham University giving me the opportunity of having a look around the place and have a wonder around town.

The university itself was extremely small but was set in such an idyllic part of the country it was hard not too fall in love with it. It was also a beautiful day which added to the magic and beauty of it!

This was about three quarters of the uiversity so as you can see it was very small!

We went to get some food from the canteen and came across this little area which was right next to this building!

It was absolutely gorgeous, and it was just a shame i didnt have more time to spend taking more and better pictures...

 Once we'd had a look around the university and spoken to some of the professors we decided to have a little drive to the centre of Buckingham and see what it was like...and just like the surroundings of the university it was picturesque!

Unfortunately I wont be going to this university even though it was very tempting just for its surroundings! It was one where everyone went around calling their mums "Mummy" and having everything handed to them on a silver platter (including the extra tution fees they charged on top of the normal ones as they are an "independant" university) what was nice however, was that even though I'm not from that kind of background, I still managed to get a place there! So HAHA!

Alton Towers

During the holidays me and the lovely boyfriend decided to go to Alton Towers as we had two for one tickets from WHSmiths ;)

Quentin had never been before but i had seen lots of things about it on the TV, we werent sure when we got up that day whether we were going to go or not because it was very grey and it looked like it was about to pour it down with rain!

We decided to go anyway and definitely made the right choice!!! It was practically empty!! So we managed to go on all the big rides...VERY HAPPY!!!

The first ride we went on was oblivion, MY FAVOURITE.

And Quentin loved it too =)
What a good start to the day! I didn't take many pictures of the rides as i didnt think they were coming out good which was a shame as you can see this one looks ok.

Waiting in the queue wasnt as boring as you'd think as we didnt have to wait for too long...

After that we went on a few different rides, including THE LOG FLUME, which we slightly regretted as it was a little cold! I ended up walking around for a few hours looking like i'd wet myself!!
Also Quentin had failed to mention to me that I had black make up all around my eyes...very classy!

Another ride i managed to take a picture of was NEMISIS

The pink water looked brilliant and reminded me of my step mum Trish as it was the first ride i ever went on and it was with her =)

Overall, we had a gorgeous day, sitting at the front of every ride, coming home with lots of sweets, a cute cuddly toy and happy hearts!

Definitely a day I won't be forgetting in a hurry!!

A little drive =)

On a nice sunny day beth and I ended up going for a nice little drive, we dropped off her little sister then ended up playing a little singstar, our favourite songs!!