Friday 3 June 2011


Sooo, lets think about what happened last month. Not much to be honest! There's been a few nights out that have been lots of fun!

I've been working hard at college as its getting closer and closer to the BIG final exams to finish off the whole ordeal that is college...its only taken me, what, four years to finish a two year course?! Well the main thing is I've finally got there and to be quite honest, it feels like such an achievement. I started so many courses and never finished them and finally I've done it. I've coped with crappy lecturers, shrieking girls, annoying teenage boys and  last minute rushing to hand in coursework

We also can't forget, it was the BIG 4 for my little baby sister! The beautiful little thing seemed to have an amazing day, especially for a 4 year old girl. I mean come on, I'd of loved it!!! Check it out

I recently watched a few films and thought I'd do a little review for you so you can the agree/disagree with what I say OR even tempt you!

500 Days Of Summer

This film stars the beautiful Zooey Deschanel as Summer and the not-so-bad-looking Joseph Gordon-Lewitt as Tom, we follow them through their rollercoaster relationship that happens to conveniently last for 500 days!

The film is not in chronological order and begins at the end giving a false idea of how their relationship will finish. It IS a Boy Meets Girl story but not the slightly predictable ones you seem to find on the shelves these days. They both work for a greeting card company where they first meet and become friends, their friendship soon turns to something else but definitely not a relationship according to Summer who does not want to be tied down or even believe in love. Tom on the other hand is completely smitten by Summer and does whatever he can to be the man she falls in love with.

I personally loved the film, it is my type of "love story" even if the ending is slightly sad. There are some great moments in the movie which I shall put links to at the bottom. The comedy is easy to follow, not to dark yet doesn't get the childish humour you sometimes find the script-writers fall back on. Zooey Deschanel looks as beautiful as ever and has so much charm that it just makes you want to be her friend. Joseph Gordon-Lewitt plays a very convincing role when it comes to the broken hearted man and also carries off the charm without coming across as cocky. There are some great visual effects used that give us a real sense of how the characters are feeling and the non-diegetic music works well with each scene it features in.

The soundtrack to this film is AMAZING, I got it as soon as I finished watching the film and is definitely one to look out for, it features the likes of Hall and Oates, The Smiths and Zooeys band She and Him.

Overall I'd give this film a 4.5/5 the only reason it misses out on the 0.5 is because I felt some bits were not necessary, but obviously this is just my point of view!

This part of the film made me feel so happy and the song is just simply the best for cheering you up!

Summer, Tom and a friend all go to a kareoke bar which ends up one of the funny scenes that makes up this movie. Absolutely brilliant!


So, this is Disney's latest release and I've got to say it was pretty good actually! It's not their best but it is definitely not their worst either....
This is the story of Rapunzel who eventually decides to venture out into world after being locked up in a tower her entire life by a woman who uses Rapunzel's magical hair to stay young. She meets a young man who is wanted Dead or Alive, basically it's an entertaining adventure that we go on with them that is great for young and old especially if you fancy vegging out. In the end Rapunzel realises that she is actually the little princess who was taken away from the king and queen and has a very happy ending =)

3/5 Not disney's greatest but easy to watch!

The Orphan


Now this film is really something!! Ester is a Russian orphan who is adopted by a family of four. One of these four is Max the cutest little girl I've ever seen who is deaf and is befriended by the latest addition to the family. Ester starts off at the seemingly perfect child, who is polite and kind even if she is a little strange. Things soon take a turn for the worse when the mother seems to be losing her mind and putting her family in danger, when in fact it is Ester playing mind games with everyone.
There is a HUGE twist at the end which I won't give away but it is definitely worth watching for it.
I really enjoyed this film, its a psychological horror I guess and its one of the best I've seen in a while.
This film gets a perfect 5/5, it keeps you on the edge on your seat right till the end. I guess it's not exactly for everyone but it was definitely for me =)

And that's all folks for this round! Enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling!

As it seems to be the "in" thing to do right now here is a quote I thought was pretty cool =)

Do not accustom yourself to use big words for little matters.

1 comment:

  1. definetly going to watch these movies except for tangled seen it 10 times alreday, no surprise there! xxxxxx
